Roger Ladd teaches PSRC students during a visit to UNCP.
Dr. Cecilia Lara and Dr. Michael Berntsen attend Open House.
Dr. Schaub and NC University faculty at the office of Representative David Price.
Theatre program director Jonathan Drahos poses with student actor Mac McGill.
Dr. Ana Cecilia Lara speaks before an audience at Clinton High School before Acto Latino performs La Quinta Temporada on November 8, 2018.
Theatre professors and students perform in The Three Musketeers. Photographer: Sara Armentrout Voecks. Courtesy of Eric Voecks.
Theatre professors and students perform in The Three Musketeers. Photographer: Sara Armentrout Voecks. Courtesy of Eric Voecks.
Professors Deana Johnson and Amy Williams pose with service-learning project participants at Rex-Rennert Elementary School. Pictured (left to right) are Jacy Dial, Leah Locklear, Nikki Brooks (principal), Deana Johnson, Essence Floyd, and Amy Williams. Photograph courtesy of Deana Johnson.
Melissa Schaub (right) moderated a panel on education and workforce retraining for the League of Women Voters in Laurinburg, 1/21/19. UNCP’s Mary Beth Locklear (not pictured) also spoke.
Dr. Cyndi Miecznikowski reads a poem at the Love/Hate Mic event on Feb. 13, 2019.
World Languages Program faculty Dr. Ana Cecilia Lara (left) and Professor Milagros López-Fred (right) enjoy a beverage with student Sarah Rodriguez (center) during a spring break trip to Peru.
World Languages Program faculty and students pose for a picture at the airport during a spring break trip to South America. Pictured here (from left to right) are Dr. Ana Cecilia Lara, Holden Jolley, Sarah Rodriquez, Antonia Uchytil, Milagros López-Fred, Ignayara Hernandez, Zachary McDowell, Angela Dial, and Lena Paz.
World Languages Program students and faculty visit Lima Centro in Peru during a spring break trip. Pictured here (from left to right) are Antonia Uchytil, Dr. Ana Cecilia Lara, Angela Dial, Holden Jolley, Sarah Roderiguez, Lena Paz, Zachary McDowell, Professor Milagros López-Fred, and Ignayara Hernandez.
Dr. Peter Grimes (left) poses with Dr. Julie Kane at the 2019 Association of Writers and Writing Programs Conference in Portland, Oregon.
Dr. Michele Fazio (left) and Peter Grimes are shown with best-selling author David Joy (right) during the Pembroke Magazine 51st issue release party.
Provost Dr. David Ward congratulates Professor Sara Oswald for 30 years of service at the 2019 Faculty Appreciation Dinner.
Provost Dr. David Ward (left) congratulates Professor David Underwood (right) for 20 years of service at the 2019 Faculty Appreciation Dinner.
Provost Dr. David Ward congratulates Dr. Melissa Schaub for 15 years of service at the 2019 Faculty Appreciation Dinner.
Provost Dr. David Ward congratulates Dr. Wendy Pearce Miller for 10 years of service at the 2019 Faculty Appreciation Dinner.
Provost Dr. David Ward congratulates Dr. Ana Cecilia Lara for earning the Outstanding Teacher Award at the 2019 Faculty Appreciation Dinner.
Lecturer Aaron Cole (center left) presented his paper, “Preparing Students for Discipline: Specific Writing through Explicit Genre Comparison,” for a round table discussion at the Lilly Conference on Innovative Strategies to Advance Learning” in Asheville, NC.
Dr. Michael Berntsen (right) presented his paper, “Designing Courses so the Quiet, Meek, and Humble Can Inherit the Classroom,” during an interactive session at the Lilly Conference on Innovative Strategies to Advance Learning” in Asheville, NC. He also acted at a conference ambassador. Professor Aaron Cole (left) also presented his paper, “Preparing Students for Discipline: Specific Writing through Explicit Genre Comparison,” for a round table discussion. (Photo courtesy of Dr. Michael Berntsen)
OLÉ and Acto Latino advisors Ms. Milagros López and Dr. Cecilia Lara (left), along with Acto Latino students Wendys and Joselyn (right), pose with UNCP Distinguished Speaker Diane Guerrero (center). (Photo courtesy of Milagros Lopez-Fred)
Professors Deana Johnson (second from right) and Amy Williams (second from left) held a reading party at R.B. Dean Elementary School in Maxton, NC.
Professor Deana Johnson engages with students at R.B. Dean Elementary School during a reading party.
World Languages faculty participate in the Dead Author Night on Oct. 31, 2019.
Dr. Richard Vela presents at the Popular Culture Association Conference in New Orleans.
Acto Latino members visited Spain!
Acto Latino members visited Spain!
Acto Latino members performed in Spain!
Acto Latino members visited Spain!
Dr. Vela took his students to Virginia to visit the Blackfriars Playhouse.
Dr. Vela, Chair of PCA/ACA's "Shakespeare of Film and Television" area, stands beside Alexa Joubin, winner of the “bell hooks Legacy Award.” (Left to right: Elyssa Chang, Alexa Joubin, Richard Vela, Ashley Maxwell, Anthony Pearson, Eoin Chaney)