Cherokee Indian Normal School The Semi-Centennial Celebration Program Friday, June 4, 1937

The Semi-Centennial Celebration Program (Friday, June 4, 1937)

This is a four-page printed program that was used for the 50-year anniversary of the founding of the institution (1887-1937)

The Semi-Centennial Celebration was held on Friday, June 4, 1937 with Judge L. R. Varser of Lumberton presiding. The program describes Judge Varser and Hamilton McMillan as “friends of Indian education.” Other notable speakers on the program were Clyde A. Erwin, State Superintendent of Public Instruction; Dr. James E. Hillman, Supervisor, North Carolina College Conference; Dean J. R. Lowry; Revs. D. F. Lowry, S. A. Hammonds, and L. W. Jacobs.

A short history of the institution is included, as well as pictures of three campus buildings: the first building (1887), the second building (1909), and Old Main (1923). On the last page of the program, the members of the Board of Trustees and the faculty are listed.

According to an article from the Robesonian (May 26, 1937), there were lots of activities for Commencement Week 1937. The commencement season began on Friday, May 28 at 8 p.m., with a program by music students of Miss Mary Mayne and a debate under the direction of Professor J. B. Davis. Reverend Dr. E. C. Few, pastor of Edenton Street Methodist Church (1932-38), Raleigh, preached the commencement sermon Sunday, May 30 at 3 p. m. Music was rendered by the school chorus which was directed by Professor Ira Pate Lowry.  Society Night was observed Tuesday, June 1, at 8 p. m. Declamation and recitation contests were held between representatives from grades 8, 9, and 10 and an oratorical contest between representatives of grade 11. Dean J. R. Lowry presided.

The high school graduating program took place on Thursday, June 3, at 8 p. m., directed by Mrs. Ira Pate Lowry. Commencement day was observed Friday, June 4 at 10 a.m. The normal-college class day program followed, with Miss Frances Stinebring presiding. Dr. Edwin McNeill Poteat, Jr., pastor of Pullen Memorial Baptist church, Raleigh, spoke at 11 a. m. His address was followed by the presentation of the diplomas and medals by G.G. Maughon, Superintendent of the institution, 1935-1940.

As mentioned earlier, the Semi-Centennial Celebration was held Friday, June 4 at 1:30 p.m. A baseball game followed this program. The closing commencement activity at the normal school was a play, directed by Mrs. William R. Locklear. The play took place at Friday, June 4 at 8 p.m.